Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 4, 2011 letter

Dear Family,
I'm glad to hear that everything is going well.  I only got to see the Sunday morning session of conference.  The branch rented a bus and we went to the stake center an hour away to see it.  After the session we ate sandwiches and came back.  We'll get the conference address next month.  We should be having a baptism this week and 2 more the following.  It’s the family that we contacted, originally thinking it was the house of a man that was posessed.  If the mom is ready we can baptize her this Saturday.  Her daughter is the most prepared, but she needs to attend church at least 1 more time.  The son is pretty close, but he has a few problems with the Word of Wisdom and he works on Sunday.  Hopefully we can baptize them the following week.  The young family that we were teaching separated and moved out of their house.  We don't know where they are now, but we do know where the mom works.  We'll see if we can find them again.   The rest of our investigators haven't been home when we visit.  We are contacting more people so hopefully we should find some new investigators.
I finally got the chance to eat Tacos Al Pastor.  Its really popular in Merida but there aren't a lot of places here that have it.  Its basically a giant piece of meat that they roast on a spit and slice off pieces as it cooks.  They aslo put on grilled pineapple.  We were in a different area coming back from interviews and I stopped to get some.  The guy cooking was a member and gave me 2 eventhough I ordered 1.  It was really really good.  And they only cost about 70 cents.  The week before I had chile relleno tacos.  They were also really good.
This past week I have been sleeping really well.  I started laying sideways in the hammack and I don't feel as tired in the morning.  I've also started dreaming in Spanish.  I never thought the day would come.  Could you send me the numbers that they announce in conference (church membership, temples, missionaries...)  And can you ask the bank if I can use my wellsfargo card here to withdraw pesos? Thanks. 
Elder Gubler

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