Monday, April 25, 2011

April 25, 2011 letter

Dear family,
Sorry about the short letter last week.  My new companion is Elder Portillo.  He is 21 and has been out for 20 months.  He´s the new district leader, but we had to travel today because the other Elders didn´t have enough money.  I attached a photo.  He´s the one on the right side.  We have 8 new investigators this week.  One of them has already been to the church twice so we should be able to baptize him in another week or 2.  The mother that we baptized is named Juana and her daughter is Deisy.  I don´t remember how old they are, but they are in their 50´s and late 20´s.  We found them while looking for a reference from a lady that said that her husband was possessed.  We found this nice family instead.  Our first lesson was only with the 22 yearold son.  The mother and daughter joined us in the following lessons.  We haven´t baptized the son yet because of his job.  He works 8 hours, has 8 hours off, and then starts working another 8 hours.  Hopefully he gets a better schedule so that he can have energy to go to church.  I haven´t checked the blog yet.  President Salinas said we use internet for myldsmail and nothing else.  I´ll check with him and see if I can have permission.  I am writing in my jounal.  Sometimes daily, sometimes not.
This last week we started out slow.  I woke up tuesday with a fever of 103.5  I called the doctor, and I bought some medicine that was able to bring down the temperature.  He also told me to only drink gatorade for that day.  I drank almost an entire gallon.  That night we passed by a member that works in the hospital and he told me he could get me a free checkup.  They looked and said I had strept throat.  I called the mission president´s wife to get permission to get the medice.  I feel a lot better now.  I also now know how to swallow pills.  We have a few new investigators and I think they will progress.  One of them we contatced 6 weeks ago and finally passed by this last saturday.  Her friend is a member and she had told her that she wanted to talk to the missionaries.  The friend forgot to tell us, so its a good thing we were able to pass by.  Another investigator that we have showed up the past 2 weeks with his friend.  He works on sunday´s so we´ll have to see if he can have sundays off.  Well that´s it for this week.  How´s the weather overthere?
Elder Gubler

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